For the love of silver…for the love of life!!

Posts tagged ‘wedding cake’

Let Them Eat Cake!

I really feel that I have been on a cake making treadmill for the last few weeks!  I have not done a thing related to jewellery making for sooo long but when people ask me to do a cake for them – how can I say no???

My latest cake has been for the daughter of one of my oldest friends who has been my most helpful mentor and strongest critic in all things artistic for the last 15 years!!  No pressure there then!

His daughter wanted a two tier wedding cake for her big day on Saturday – the bottom tier a brandy laced rich fruit cake and the top tier a traditional madiera sponge cake with raspberry jam and buttercream.  And she wanted it decorated with red roses to complement her bouquet.

Since the sugarpaste flowers take so long to make and wire I started on them ages ago and have been slowly adding to the number until I could create 2 arrangements with a dozen roses in each along with white filler flowers, rose leaves and ivy.

As the flower arrangements were such a statement I decided to leave the rest of the cake simple and minimalist with just a sophisticated single string of edible pearls around the base of each one and the top arrangement was presented in a faux pearlised vase decorated with ivy leaves.

It was a lovely day for a wedding on Saturday but horribly hot and uncomfortable to transport a wedding cake in a roasting hot car!  – followed by the stress of trying to get it perfectly displayed at the venue so I was very happy to wave goodbye, turn my back on it … and let them eat cake!.  As I have not had any negative reports I assume all went well!

Generally my family has not had a good year…culminating with my little granddaughter having an operation in hospital this morning.  Although all went well it has still been stressful for everyone and after everything else that has gone on recently I really feel the need for a break!  Thankfully I have nothing on the immediate horizon and so hope to have a week away from home in a cottage just a stones throw from a beautiful sandy beach.  It has been 3 years since I last had a holiday so it is long overdue!  This  holiday has been a last minute booking and so I only have a few days to wait!  It is a glorious feeling!!!

Hopefully I will return refreshed and invigorated and ready to create all sorts of wonderful things!